What could be more appropriate as a fund-raiser by a group of men, many of a ‘certain age’, than a concert to raise funds for a Prostate Cancer research charity. Especially as Prost8 was one of our late President Sir David Amess’s chosen charities.
A full-scale concert with soloists, an interval, and a wide range of Leigh Orpheus pieces.

The concert included solos from our choir members Ron Circus, David Smith and Harry Rowson. Jane and accompanist Kay treated us all to a piano duet and we sang eleven numbers which included the well known Charles Aznavour’s “She”, Queen’s “We are The Champions”, the African song “Siyahambe” and concluded with the pacy and rousing “Rhythm of Life”.

Did the audience join in with ‘We are the Champions’? They certainly did!

During the evening, as a token of our appreciation for his year’s of service to the Leigh Orpheus, the incoming Chairman Sam Coley presented the outgoing Chairman Mick Jacks with the Lifetime Member Award.

And we raised £560 for Prost8!